Hi Zoners,
It has been quite a year! Consistently blogging has been one of my challenges this year. I am trying to pinpoint what it could be that keeps me back. Is it lack of time? No time but to prioritize things like making money to cover basic necessities? Lack of motivation or interest?imposter syndrome, or something else.
Most days it is honestly tiredness. Working all day only to work more hours at night then repeat is exhausting...not to mention normal everyday tasks like laundry, cooking, and cleaning.
I feel like it is all of the above and other days I think it's the fact that I am not sure what to write about.
What topics would you be interested in reading about? Should this blog be geared to just veterinary medical topics only or will it be ok to just write.
Yes I know that I am (likely) overthinking this but the fact of the matter is ..I am writing again.
I will focus on keeping this up and start by writing what is on my mind or whatever YOU want to hear about.
Cause even this Zoner has trouble sometimes finding my zone.
National Vet tech week is coming soon. That's something I can write about.